A bowl of black grapes sits in front of two bowls full of fresh cranberries.

Powerhouse Cranberry Pomegranate Juice Recipe

Celebrate the holidays with this immune-boosting powerhouse: cranberry-pomegranate juice. Our favorite holiday beverage is the perfect blend of sweet and tart, thanks to our secret ingredient: black grapes!

‘Tis the season for holiday cocktails, and what can be more festive than a beautiful juice made from bright red cranberries?

Our gift to you is a homemade cranberry pomegranate juice that looks and tastes delicious–and also boosts your immune system! Our powerhouse juice is full of vitamins that will keep you healthy throughout the winter season.

Immune Boosting Cranberry Juice

Cranberries are known as a superfood, and it’s not hard to figure out why:  research has linked the nutrients in cranberries to the prevention of certain types of cancer, improved immune function, decreased blood pressure, and perhaps most notably, a lower risk of urinary tract infection (UTI).

Researchers at the University of Gainesville found that not only does cranberry juice change the acidity of urine–which makes it harder for bacteria to grow–it also changes a special type of immune T cells, the gamma delta T cells. These cells are first-responders to viruses and bacteria. The Gainsville study found that people who drank two cups of cranberry juice a day had 16 percent fewer reports of cold and flu.

A bowl of black grapes sits in front of two bowls full of fresh cranberries.

Pro Tip: Consuming cranberries on a regular basis can prevent acne, heal dandruff, and even promote hair growth!

Learn how to make our Green Juice Immune Booster

apple and pomegranate being put into a PURE juicer bag

Sweet and Tart: Cranberry Juice without Extra Sugar

Cranberries have a naturally tart and crisp taste, and most people don’t eat the berries raw. When preparing cranberries for sauces and juices, they are often cooked and steeped with extra sugar. Because of this, you have to be very careful when purchasing cranberry juice from the store; most brands of cranberry juice contain much more sugar than is healthful.

Juicing raw produce at home ensures you know exactly what you’re putting into your body. While many cranberry juice recipes still require adding sugar, we have found that juicing cranberries with pomegranate and black grapes produces a natural, well-balanced cold-pressed juice.

With this powerhouse cranberry pomegranate juice recipe, you’ll get your daily dose of vitamin C and the crisp clean taste of cranberry. You’ll also be boosting your immunity with a variety of antioxidants found in all three of these delicious fruits.

The Probiotic Power of Pomegranates

Cranberries aren’t the only high-powered fruit in this juice cocktail. Pomegranates are powerhouses in their own right. Containing compounds that may help prevent chronic inflammation (associated with increased risk of chronic disease), pomegranate also has a positive impact on the probiotic Akkermansia mucinphila. This powerful probiotic is associated with decreased gut inflammation, insulin regulation, and anti-tumor responses to some types of cancer immunotherapy.

Researchers at the University of California, LA, studied 20 healthy volunteers who drank pure pomegranate juice daily for four weeks. Results showed an increased presence of Akkermansia by 71 percent.

Are Black Grapes Healthier than Red or Green?

While all grapes have health benefits (and add a delicious natural sweetness to a variety of juices), we like using black grapes for juicing with cranberries and pomegranates for an extra immumity boost.

Black grapes are rich in polyphenols, namely anthocyanins and resveratrol, which provide strong antioxidant properties. These offer protection against diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and heart disease.

Vegetables and PURE bottle in fridge

Additionally, antioxidants found in the skin of black grapes may act as antimicrobial agents that can fight the growth of antibiotic-resistant harmful bacteria. They are excellent for our mast cells, and our mitochondria (the energy powerhouse for our bodies).

A Treat for the Whole Family

While we may tend to focus heavily on the nourishing aspects of our recipes, let’s not forget about taste!

The combination of cranberries, pomegranates, and black grapes is absolutely delicious: sweet, tart, and refreshing. We made the recipe for ourselves, but once the kids tried it, they drank the rest!

Powerhouse Cranberry Pomegranate Juice Recipe

Time: 20 minutes (30 with prep)


  • 1 bag of organic cranberries (about 3.5 cups)
  • 1/2 pound bag of organic black grapes
  • 2 organic pomegranates

Yield: 44 oz


  1. Put the grapes into the feed chute BEFORE turning it on.
  2. Use one hand to cover the feed chute; then turned the machine on.
  3. Feed the grinder with grapes and cranberries.
  4. Place a strainer between grinder and bowl.
  5. Use a spatula to move the liquid out.
  6. Fold 1-1.5 cups of cranberry-grape mash into a liner and then into a cloth.
  7. Press slowly. Use a fine strainer and pour the juice from the bowl into a pitcher.
  8. Slice pomegranate in half, wrapping each half in its own cloth before pressing slowly.
  9. Mix the pomegranate juice with cranberry and grape juice.

Pro tip: to rid the juice of extra bitterness, peel the pomegranate before pressing.

Why grind the cranberries and grapes?

Certain produce, like carrots or apples, seem like obvious choices for the grinder, but why grind berries, which can be pressed easily?

You can directly press cranberry-grape juice, but then you’d miss out on the nutrients in the cranberry and grape skin. Grinding these berries allows you to benefit from the skin’s antioxdant-rich juice.

Pro Tip: For efficient clean up, consider cleaning stage one of the juicer after using, then clean the rest while the press is going. When it’s all done, clean the cloths and juicer base.

Health Benefits

cranberries: made up of 90% water, cranberries are mostly carbs and fiber and contain such crucial vitamins as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, and manganese. Research has linked cranberries to a lower risk of urinary tract infections, improved immune function, the prevention of certain types of cancer, and decreased blood pressure.

black grapes: black grapes are rich in polyphenols, namely anthocyanins and resveratrol, which provide strong antioxidant properties that may help fight oxidative stress and prevent chronic diseases.

pomegranates: great for digestion, pomegranates are full of vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and folate. The nutrients in pomegranates protect the body from Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis, promote a healthy memory, and can increase sexual and athletic performance.


Are Cranberries Healthy? 6 Surprising Benefits

6 Unique Benefits of Black Grapes

Pomegranate: 10 Health and Nutritional Benefits

Medical Disclaimer

PURE Juicer is a juicing company. We are not doctors or medical experts. All content and information on this blog and website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and does not establish any patient-client relationship by using this website.

Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for professional advice. You should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your area for your health questions and concerns before making any professional, legal, medical, financial, or tax-related decisions.

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