Juice in two glasses

The Power of Potassium + Easy Ways to Get More in Your Diet 

Potassium plays a vital role in keeping our bodies running smoothly. Often called an electrolyte, it carries an electrical charge that wakes up our nerves and cells, getting them ready for action. Potassium ensures that the fluid levels inside our cells are just right, while its partner, sodium, manages the fluid outside. Potassium is also essential to our muscles, helping them contract and contributes to maintaining healthy blood pressure. 

The recommended daily intake of potassium varies based on age, sex, and overall health. However, generally speaking, adults are advised to consume around 2,600 to 3,400 milligrams (mg) of potassium each day. We found this great tool that gives you points for every type of fruit or vegetable you’d like to juice.

mocktail made in the PURE Juicer

5 Cold-Pressed Mocktails That Give Your Health and Taste Buds a Boost – Part One

With the freshest flavors and ingredients, mocktails provide the same delicious taste as a cocktail, without the headache the next morning.  Unlike alcohol, which is a powerful diuretic, mocktails actually hydrate your body.  Instead of being parched after cocktails, you are quenched!

Cold pressed juices not only contain essential vitamins and minerals, they make the best mocktails that are perfect for summer days. These mocktails are a great way to stay healthy and hydrated while enjoying a delicious drink. Cold pressed juices in the PURE juicer are made by applying extreme pressure to fruits and vegetables to extract their juice, without using heat or preservatives. This process keeps all of the nutrients in the juice intact, which means that the mocktails made with cold pressed juice will contain significantly more vitamins and minerals than mocktails made with store-bought juices (if those store bought have any at all).

drink the rainbow. berry juices made with the PURE juicer, high in polyphenols.

The Power of Polyphenols in Cold Press Juice, … Where to Find Them in Food, And a Few of Our Favorite Recipes.

Prepare to unlock the power of polyphenols! When it comes to healthy eating, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the myriad of health dos and don’ts, and ever-changing advice from the experts. But one term that certainly deserves your attention is polyphenols. These natural compounds are found abundantly in various plant-based foods and beverages and have been linked to a wide range of health benefits. Here we will dive deeper into what exactly polyphenols are, their potential benefits, and where you can find them.

Polyphenols are a group of compounds found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beverages like tea and red wine. They are known for their antioxidant properties, which means they help protect our bodies from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive oxygen molecules produced by normal cell processes as well as external factors such as radiation, air pollution, smoking, and chemical exposures. What makes polyphenols truly fascinating is their incredible diversity. With over 8,000 identified types, they come in various forms, such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, stilbenes, and lignans. Each type of polyphenol offers its own set of potential benefits, adding to the excitement of exploring their effects on human health.

Under the Hood of the PURE juicer

Under the Hood of the PURE Juicer

PURE Juicer’s Founder and CEO, David Feinberg, gives us a behind-the-scenes look at what makes our cold press juicer the best on the market.

When we originally published the Under the Hood video in 2021, we wanted to share how the PURE is constructed from food-grade stainless steel, and what sets it apart. We wanted to show the care and intention put into every part. We wanted to show what makes the PURE Juicer the best juicer in the world. Today, we wanted to revisit this video and dive a little deeper. Let’s get started.

watermelon juice

Watermelon, Lemons, and Coconut: Our Top 3 Summer Drinks

Cool off with three of our favorite summer drinks, super hydrating and perfect for a holiday weekend party or a little solo refreshment time.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, the sun has begun to take its time with us, lengthening the days as we move towards summer. More time with the sun naturally means more time outside – and here at PURE we’ve been busy coming up with some refreshing summer drinks to celebrate, just in time for Memorial Day.

PURE Juicer Spotlight: Our Very Own Kim Burrell

Kim and I have been on a health journey together this past year. We both love juicing and we both love caring for our families, but there has been a piece missing.

Healthy living is important on many levels. It helps our cells, our organs, our quality of life. But so does joy and connection. What happens if we move to a healthier lifestyle but lose the connection we have with our loved ones because of these changes?

Five bottles of green juice are lined up on a kitchen counter, next to a PURE Juicer.

Homemade Detox Green Juice Recipe

If your body is in need of a reset–and let’s face it, many of us are in need of a reset around this time of year–you may be on the lookout for a new purifying green juice recipe that will detox your system. If so, you’re in for a treat: our fresh, purifying Big Green Juice will not only tantalize your taste buds, but also cleanse and calm your digestive tract.

Before we get to the nitty gritty of our Big Green Juice, you may have questions about embarking upon a green juice cleanse. Juicing vegetables has become quite popular in recent years, despite the fact that many people report “fearing” the look of green juice (we still can’t get over this 2014 YouGov survey).