
10 Juicy Foods for Reproductive and Sexual Health

PURE Juicer is pleased to announce a change to our Periodic Table of Juicing. We have added what we believe is a critical health system in our bodies; the reproductive/sexual health system. We asked one of our medical advisors, Gillian Ehrlich, ARNP, DNP to give us 10 “elements” for our table of juicing that are healthy for both men and women, inspire us to juice, and give us a variety so you have plenty of options when making your own recipes. We hope you download our free table. Be sure to print the front and back for the full benefits and recommendations for juicing. Enjoy!

Dr. Gillian Ehrlich explores the benefits of 10 foods for reproductive and sexual health, plus offers two new sexual health recipes to get your own juices flowing! See below for a comprehensive list of source material referenced by Dr. Ehrlich.

A line of glass bottles lined up in front of the PURE Juicer, in a rainbow

Is Juicing an Extreme Fad Diet? A Doctor’s Response

In response to this piece about juicing on Today.com, we reached out to Dr. Gillian Ehrlich, who brings to the table a medical perspective and a large dose of common sense. We appreciate her thoughtful response, and we hope you’ll read it and share a comment at the end.

– Jen, Chief Juicing Officer 

Gillian Ehrlich

Interview with Gillian Ehrlich, DNP: Ayurveda, Juicing, and Health

Watch and listen to our interview with Gillian Ehrlich, ARNP, DNP to learn how to incorporate Ayurvedic practices into juicing for a nourished and well-balanced constitution.

JL: Hi everybody, this is Jen here from PURE Juicer. It is such an honor to have Dr. Gillian Ehrlich here with us today. We are here to talk about Ayurveda. Dr. Gillian has a number of different experiences and trainings in her background, but today we want to focus on Ayurveda and juicing and then weave in the other areas of her expertise. She is a doctor in nursing practitioner. She’s also a functional medical doctor as well as an expert in Ayurveda.